
How often do you find the right person?

I watched the movie Once last night. The love story is reduced to meaningful glances and earnest attempts that eventually have to give way to the reality of circumstances. It’s beautiful, in all its small, quotidian, unspoken ways. When Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova sing together, the honesty of it is just astonishing. There’s one part I love when the Girl (Marketa Irglova’s character) starts singing the lyrics she’s written for the Guy’s music while walking on the way back from the convenience store at night where she bought batteries, and the camera follows her all the way home in one single shot. It’s so simple but so absolutely brilliant.

I went to the Parson’s music store at Festival Walk yesterday to play on their guitars because I wanted to try an effect that I can only get from steel ones. I went to my little guitar corner there and borrowed a blue Washburn. There were so many people playing on the pianos and the drums I could barely hear myself. The Washburn was beautiful; smooth strings, clear sound. And I got my effect scratching out a more upbeat Stairway to Heaven.

I got an invitation today from the Philippine consulate in Sydney to attend a reception to be hosted by Consul General Maria Theresa Lazaro; it’s in honor of the Filipinos speaking in the Sydney Writers Festival – Sir Dalisay and Sir Capili. Smart casual, yeah!

Posted on May 13, 2008, in Life in General, Sydney, Writing. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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